Three origami-cube made of paper
The most elementary figure in geometry becomes an interesting toy in the hands of a child. Together with the child, you can develop small motor skills and teach them the basics of spatial thinking. You can make from paper not only cubes, but also build from several cubes of the house, bridges, robots - everything that your imagination is capable of.
Modular Paper Cube.
A cube of paper. Modular origami.
A simple paper cube.
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A smart idea for teachers to create with children in the classroom work, geometry or drawing at school! For the production of 30 modules of a dodecahedron, you will need paper 8 * 8 cm.
I thought for a long time to print the case on a 3D printer or to do it manually. It’s easier to print, but I decided to do the first boat with my own hands. I used cardboard as the main material.
It is difficult to make a ball of paper, but making a ball in origami technique is very easy. Just take the colored paper and follow the tutorial video.
It has long been stored on the computer three photos of the vase, once found on the Internet.
A beautiful, voluminous heart of paper can be glued together in a couple of hours.
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